Happy Birthday Louise Brown, the World's 1st IVF Baby!

40 Years in the Making: 40, Fertilized, & Fabulous!

This summer marks 40 years since the world’s first IVF baby was born! On July 25, 1978, John and Lesley Brown welcomed their daughter, Louise Joy, into the world — the first child ever to be born through the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Thanks to Dr. Patrick Steptoe, Dr. Robert Edwards, and Louise’s parents, what started as an eight cell embryo in a petri dish has now transformed the way we care for patients who are struggling to conceive.

In just four decades, countless strides have been made in the use of assisted reproductive technology, and there are now more than six million IVF babies throughout the world! To celebrate these monumental achievements and Louise’s upcoming 40th birthday, the Midwest Reproductive Symposium international 2018 will host Louise's first 40th birthday party.

As we reflect back on and celebrate the past 40 years, fertility professionals, parents and IVF babies from around the world came together to celebrate Louise and wish her happy birthday!

Send your video or picture birthday wishes to coordinators@mrsmeeting.org with the subject, “Happy Birthday Louise”. Be sure to share where your wishes are coming from (ex: London, England, New York City, Melbourne, Australia, etc.). We will share your messages with Louise and below with the millions of people around the world we have experienced the joy of parenthood through IVF.